Ken rockwell perfectly clear
Ken rockwell perfectly clear

ken rockwell perfectly clear

(formerly Athentech EyeQ Perfectly Clear) Home Donate New Search Gallery Reviews How-To Books Links Workshops About Contact As for size it's basically the same size with the lens as my Pentax without a lens, fits in the pocket nicely which was the point.Athentech Perfectly Clear Review & Discount Still it feels good and solid in the hand and the colours in the viewfinder are great (hope the lens renders the same way, though with a little less flare). That combined with the smoothness of the focus ring (thus easily nudged) makes zone focusing harder than I expected.


I think it largely comes down to the fact that with a matte field it's instantly obvious if want you want to shoot is within the depth of field (since I use M42 lenses on my Pentax I've always got depth of field preview), which naturally the rangefinder patch doesn't show. I'm not as quick at focus as with an SLR. The first roll is hanging up to dry so I'll post a few shots after I scan it, then we'll see how good I am at guessing correct exposure. Seems to work fine, aside from the meter (for which I got $100 off).

ken rockwell perfectly clear

There's a few scuffs on it on the strap lugs and around the winder and shutter speed dial, not very noticeable. Leica springs to mind but they can hardly have been the only manufacturer of good rangefinders but aside from '40s Contaxes that's about the extent of my rangefinder knowledge. The trouble is I'm not all that well versed in the world of rangefinders. I'd rather keep it under about $1000 not including lens or shipping (though under $1000 including those things would be better of course).

ken rockwell perfectly clear

At least one of 50mm or 35mm frame lines would be essential and ideally both. Metering would be nice but not essential. After due consideration I think what I want is probably a 35mm rangefinder. A nice big, bright viewfinder is very important, as is the availability of good prime lenses. I don't want some weird film format that no one makes film for or that you have to bulk load or that requires strange, unavailable or expensive chemicals to develop. I don't want some cheapo digital P&S, I got my DSLR to get away from wading through menus. The MG almost fits the bill in this regard, if it was an inch thinner (I mean an inch thinner than it is with the Helios mounted) I wouldn't be posting this thread (so maybe some sort of pancake lens might be the ticket - M42 or K mount, I don't care which). What I want is a camera that's not too bulky and that I can carry around with me as a matter of course. So that eliminates all the cameras I own. As for my Vest Pocket Kodak, well to be honest I haven't tried it, but despite being easily pocketed the trouble is that 127 film is kinda rare and expensive for what it is. My Pentax MG with a Helios 44 (58mm prime for those not familiar with it) fits but it's uncomfortable. My 400D doesn't fit in a cargo pocket never mind any other kind of pocket. Yeah I've got my iPod touch but its camera sucks and I'm astonished by how unresponsive iOS is and I hate taking photos at arm's length and that cheesy fake shutter noise annoys the crap out of me. I'm getting a little tired of saying to myself "if only I had a camera on me that would have made an awesome photo".

Ken rockwell perfectly clear